

Marion de Waard
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Nederland
M: (+31) 06 48 95 24 60

KvK: 30285526

Please write your phone number in your e-mail. Often my mail ends up in the Spambox the first time. Very annoying but that seems to be a Google thing! Therefore keep a close eye on your Spambox after you have e-mailed me.

I always respond within 24-48 hours! If you have not received a response in your inbox after 48 hours/two days, chances are big that my reply e-mail ended up in your Spambox !!

If you mention your phone number in the e-mail, I can send you a Whats App message as a check when I have answered your mail. It is annoying if you wait for an answer, you do not receive it, and it turns out to be allready for days in your Spambox.

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